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Tetiana Kovalenko (Gaiduk) was born on 22.05.1986. in Zdaniv (Mariupol) Donetsk region in Ukraine; now live and work in Kyiv.
Since school years, drawing has been the most favorite occupation, which the artist never left. In 2008 received a Master's Degree in Management and Marketing Faculty of NTUU "KPI". 
At the same time, the artist continued improving painting skills, learning from such artists as Valery Goleyko, Alexei Breus, Alexander Andreev. Tatyana is a participant in the collective exhibitions of artists-tralfrealists, which took place in the Kyiv gallery "Enigma". In 2006 took place the first personal exhibition.
A distinctive feature of tralfrealism is the inadmissibility in the creative work of frank destruction, depression, aggression and in general any negative. The main value is Harmony as a beneficial consonance of Good, Beauty, Light, Love, Creation in union with Human.
In the interpretation of Tatiana, tralfrealism is an attempt to transfer images from the real world, which without limits, contains the enormous potential of the ideas, emotions, thoughts that are still not known yet, not yet embodied in reality.
The favorite plot is landscape, most of which - seen and experienced personally in hiking and cycling trips. "Outdoor activities not only inspire and fill with energy, but also open up a new vision of the world".
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